Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Beasts Of Burden And A Source Of Food - 857 Words

beasts of burden and a source of food Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations in the world dating back to its early history recording of 4200 BC and lasting until 1090 BC. The first Egyptians build huts along the banks of the Nile in 4200 BC. It was in 3300 BC that Egyptians started using sailboats along the Nile as a means of transportation. The Egyptians learned to benefit from their natural .resources. For fexample, in about 3250 BC they began using copper to make knives and tools. Around 3100 BC, the Egyptians invented hieroglyphic writing. In 3000 BC the Egyptians began to use oxen to pull their plows and it was also at this time that Egyptian priests calculated 365 days in a year. 2700 BC marked the end of the PreDynastic Period and the beginning the Old Kingdom and at this time the pharaoh lived in lower {northern} Egypt. In 2686 BC the architect Imhotep build the first stepped pyramid at Saqqara for the pharaoh Zoser. In 2648 BC, Zoser died. In 2575 BC another pyramid was built, The Great Pyra mid at Giza by the pharaoh Cheops. Nine years later Cheops died. Pharaoh Chephren build a pyramid at Giza and the sphinx bears his head on the body of the lion in 2550 BC. The death of the Pharoah Chephren in 2200 BC marked the end of the Old Kingdom. Soon after the end of the Old Kingdom began the start of the Middle Kingdom, 2000 BC. It was at this time that the pharaohs decided to move their capital from Memphis to Thebes in upperShow MoreRelatedThe Columbian Exchange Essay example1077 Words   |  5 PagesExchange is the exchange of plants, animals, food, and diseases between Europe and the Americas. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to America, he saw plants and animals he had never seen before so he took them back with him to Europe. 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