Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gambling When It s Not All Fun And Games Essay

Gambling: When it’s Not all Fun and Games In the past decade, gaming and gambling in the United States have experienced a great upswing. The majority of states have expanded legalized gaming, including regulated casino-style games and lotteries, there has been a huge increase in the opening of Native American casinos and among other things, online gambling and betting has become increasingly more popular (Humphrey). While at first glance, this may seem to be a good thing, it is imperative that one does not overlook the dangers of gambling. Gambling can be classified by placing it into three different categories: recreational gambling, problem gambling, and pathological gambling. Recreational gambling is just as it sounds, a form of recreation. It is generally harmless and is done as a way of spending leisure time. Problem gambling is classified as when the first negative consequences of gambling begin to appear. Finally, pathological gambling involves addiction and everything that goes with it (Hoffmann). Instead of continuo usly increasing the legalization of gambling, people need to take a step back and look at the effects it is having on people all over the country. Gambling addiction is a serious problem that negatively affects many people’s lives physically as well as emotionally, it is for this reason that despite claims of it helping the economy, gambling should not be legal. The Problem In order to fully understand why gambling is a serious problem, one must look atShow MoreRelatedGambling in Intercollegiate Athletics: The Perception, Reality, and Consequences1121 Words   |  5 PagesGambling can be found in places such as casinos, local stores, and online. Over the years, gambling has found more homes. College campuses and college sports are among the various places in which gambling is taking place. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Macbeth The Coward Of Cawdor - 945 Words

Garrison 1 Jim Garrison Mrs. Dean English 1/17/2017 Macbeth The Coward of Cawdor In Macbeth, the concept of being a man is a major theme, and is how the Macbeths convince themselves and others to do some heinous crimes. But throughout Shakespeare work, Macbeth s actions don’t match up with the play s description of what a real man is. In fact, as the play goes on Macbeth slowly becomes less of a man and instead more of a coward, so much so that a character with only four lines in the entire play is more of a man than the title character. The Macbeths believe that to be a man, one must be cruel, unkind, and able to murder without feeling remorse. This can be seen when lady Macbeth begs spirits to unsex her so that she can kill Duncan†¦show more content†¦His reaction to the ghost in front of everyone at the banquet embarrasses lady Macbeth and causes her to ask â€Å"Are you a man?† (3.4.57). Macbeth’s obsessive guilt over the murder of his friend shows that he cannot murder without feeling remorse and tha t he is unable to be ruthless and cruel like he and his wife believe a man should. This idea of what it really means to be a man is carried through most of the play, until near the end. In act five when, Malcolm s army is marching through birnam wood to macbeth s castle, Macbeth realizes that he will soon die, but decides not to go down without a fight. As Macbeth searches for the one who is not born of a woman, Young Siward enters the scene. This is Young Siward’s first battle and he is ready to prove himself. He asks Macbeth s name and then after hearing it says that the devil couldn’t a more hateful title. Young Siward fights Macbeth but Garrison 3 is severely unmatched because he was born of a woman. After Macduff kills Macbeth, Ross tells Siward that his son has died like a man. Ross says, â€Å"Your son, my lord, has paid a soldier s debt: He only lived but till he was a man; The which no sooner had his prowess confirm d In the unshrinking station where he fough t, But like a man he died.† (5.8.39-43). Ross is saying that Young Siward wasn’t a man until he stood up to Macbeth, knowing how unmatched he was considering that this was his first battle against aShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Betrayal In Macbeth923 Words   |  4 PagesBetrayal in Macbeth William Shakespeare’s Macbeth focuses on many themes all at once. Like life, there is no one central theme that drives the play along and moves action forward. While a central theme, there is one present in Macbeth that is interesting to dissect, and that is the theme of betrayal. This theme moves the play along more than any other and is one of the most interesting. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Punishable Perils Of Plagiarism

Question: Describe about The Punishable Perils Of Plagiarism. Answer: The punishable perils of plagiarism Plagiarism is the concept that gives an alarm towards the dishonesty of the academic sources along with that also can be said as a breach of the journalistic ethics. It is no doubt a very serious offense, and it has its origin from the writings of the articles and the blogs. The vigorous discussions upon the matter of plagiarism enable the students getting aware of keeping the focus on the evaluation of the sources (Adibi, Kianpour Shirani, 2015). The proper evaluation of sources will help in understanding the exact intellectual property. Many sources and the complex cases give the evidence regarding the plagiarism and its ideas. Therefore dealing the issues of plagiarism will majorly help the authors from getting disrespectful within the readers. As per the sources of the articles and the videos analyzed as per evidence to detect the plagiarism, it is well known that the matter of plagiarism is very well spread within the world of readers (Dahanukar Molur, 2012). Therefore the act ion has been undertaken by going through a huge amount of complex cases just to finish the effects of plagiarism. Also, there is the focus on bringing the plagiarism to justice. By bringing the plagiarism to justice, there will have the rescuing of such texts that are plagiarized. So, apart from the academic dishonesty, the cases show that there also exists more forms of plagiarism. One of such plagiarism is the brain child snatching. In this process, the person uses the innocent papers and documents and simply copy paste them with not having any type citations in it (Pruzan, 2016). They dont even change a word and use to copy the quotes directly. The brain child snatchers are responsible for stealing many eloquent essays. In the process of plagiarism if there will have any get together of the brain snatchers then there will have the formation of the kidnapping team that performs the plagiarism from the multiple sources (Wosowei, Nwafor Nwogu, 2016). In some instances, there are th e persons who commit self-plagiarism, in which they sum up the self-written texts or the passages and present it as the brand new material. These self-plagiarisms mostly captured by uploading their few materials in the search engine. Another form through which the plagiarism can get capture is the wild goose chase technique. In this process, plagiarism takes place with having fake authors along with the fake book titles and all other fake information. Also, there occurs paraphrasing in which the there is the substitution of the synonym for each and every word of the sentence (Pruzan, 2016). One of such paraphrasing is the shoddy paraphrasing which gives the technique of paraphrasing multiple passages at a time into a single one. Further, in this discussion, it is also clear that if there will have the citation of the sources and using the quotes, then also there will have the presence of plagiarism (Dahanukar Molur, 2012). It is just because it will contain the ideas of other peopl e which denoted as the wholly quotable document. So as it contains the ideas of other people so it will be offensive by every means. Lastly, it is clear that if there will have such document where the wholly quoted document is mostly tried to cover up with many paraphrased sentences (Adibi, Kianpour Shirani, 2015). Therefore the discussions clearly indicate that the act of plagiarism is the most serious offensive kind of academic mischief which get corrected by opting the straightway of using ones ideology in the act of writing with sufficient time, worry and effort. References Adibi, P., Kianpour, M., Shirani, S. (2015). Investigating the root causes of duplicate publication in research articles.Journal of education and health promotion,4. Dahanukar, N., Molur, S. (2012). Scientific conduct and misconduct: honesty is still the best policy.Journal of Threatened Taxa,4(9), 2845-2848. Pruzan, P. (2016). Ethics and Responsibility in Scientific Research. InResearch Methodology(pp. 273-306). Springer International Publishing. Wosowei, M. U., Nwafor, S. O., Nwogu, U. J. (2016). Strategies for Managing Examination Malpractice as Students Unethical Behaviours in Tertiary Institutions in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research,3(3), 39-45.